Stepping Stones

Its been quite some time since I wrote. I was held up with some work. Anyways I’m glad I am back. This time I’m here to share my thoughts and experiences about something which is the most common and frequently occurring one among all of us and no one has ever escaped from it. I'm talking about 'failure'. It is during these failures that life makes us feel so bad. Something like a totally saturated feel for life, when you want no more of it. Maybe its because of your fault, or maybe not. They may come in intervals or everything coincides at one point as a series of failures. At that one point you really feel totally ignored and long for comfort from someone, if not from your close one, atleast from some person or the other. Although some people do not agree, it does happen. It happens from within your heart. You may not cry, but your heart does. I’d say that these are the times that make you feel the true sense of life, and the time for you to realize the strength within yourself. It gradually teaches you the art of resistance and gives you the courage to face any damn situation in your life. You only have to withstand that initial phase of failure where you cry and feel so bad, which is said to be the toughest of all.
This is also the phase where jealousy germinates from within. You start envying those whom you suppose are enjoying and having a better life than you. Maybe its not their time for this phase or who knows, maybe they are covering it up with a happy attitude – which is a very good sign of self control and optimism. Even from them small things like these can be learnt. There is no gain in showing your anger out of failure on somebody else. Is that gonna give you what you lost ? Or is that an attempt to indicate the ones who were responsible for your failure, that you’re REALLYYYY ANGRYYYY ON THEM !! Crap…But it does happen. People do burst out of frustration. Not that they willingly do it. Of course there are some exceptions, like the ones I see regularly on a day to day basis.

Sometimes things happen out of your control which might result undesirably. You do have people around you always looking for your downfall in your success. Their only motto is “Survival of the fittest”. Well to those people we have to go by their same motto and multiply your success rate. Its when you take them to the peak of jealousy making them literally cry over your success is when you are really successful. The more and more jealous people around you, the more and more successful you are. I’m not asking you to hurt people and induce jealousy by squeezing their good natured heart. And in this regard, office politics is something I really want to share with you elaborately in the near future. Its like playing a game of cards. It all depends on what cards you choose and how you play with them, though its not your usual style of play. Its like a battle ground. You might’ve been a good soul in your office, finishing all the given work much better than how people would’ve expected. But in some course of time you might end up being the least respected and most mocked up person there ; if you don’t adapt yourself there. You have to act cleverly. And adding to this, maybe something like a love failure might surface and do all the more damage. Everything would seem to be going fine. Then suddenly you come to know that its not what you expected. Don’t get dejected and sad. Of course you do feel, but don’t let that sink inside. Instead build your immunity towards these kind of issues ( As I said in one of my earlier posts - "An insight into the painful side of love" ). There is no rule that a failure is always succeded by a success and vice versa. Life is unpredictable. Its tough in the beginning. But that’s how you learn things. Love failures are very hurting initially. Very very hurting…. You feel a stab in your heart. Your heart will bleed. But as time passes it will cure. Eventually everything will fall in place.

As you suffer, so do you grow stronger and stronger. Times do try our souls, and through these trials, we should come out successful. All it requires is the same good side of yours, with some more perseverance and a never dying attitude.

Life is like a commercial movie. Love + Failure + Pain + Sorrowness + Some Action + a Happy Ending is what makes a commercial movie. And that’s how our life is too. A hero is always a hero no matter how many times he is hit by the villain. All that matters is when the hero is going to hit back with just one shot totally collapsing the villain. And to tackle each and every villain in your life with that much strength, you need to learn from every failure of yours. I am.

All the
best............................................................................................................................... :)
to be contd......


Maddie said…
It’s a very different post. Did not get much of third para and it sounded a bit abstract as well… Don’t know if you have written that from your personal experience…
Anyway, a nice ending with a sense of optimism…
Sada said…
hmmm dai waitin for ur office politics story..

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