2012 : The End of days

The Mayan predictions :

The First Age began with the creation of the Earth, and it had upon it vegetation and living beings. Unfortunately, because they lacked speech, the birds and animals were unable to pay homage to the gods and were destroyed. In the Second and Third Ages the gods created humans of mud and then wood, but these also failed to please and were wiped out. We are currently in the Fourth and Final Age, the age of the modern, fully functional human. Is it possible that these Ages referred to evolutionary change? If they did, then what might occur when the current age finishes on December 21, 2012 ?
On October 24, 2007 , a Comet shocked astronomers, with a spectacular eruption and brightened, becoming a clear naked-eye object in the evening sky. By mid-November, the comet was the largest object in the solar system, even bigger than the Sun.
There have been predictions from all quarters.
2.) The Orion Prophecy claims that the Earth's magnetic field will reverse.
3.) McKenna's mathematical novelty theory suggests a point of singularity in which a great
number of things could happen, including "hyperspatial breakthrough", planetesimal impact,
alien contact, historical metamorphosis, metamorphosis of natural law, solar explosion,
quasar ignition at the galactic core, or just nothing.
told his followers that he will return around 2012, which some believe is to save the world .
The Pyramid connection :
Now back to the building of the pyramids. The pyramids, as you know have been searched and excavated to an extrThe Bee effect :
Also, the dramatic decline in the bee population all over the world is likely to impact crop production. In U.S alone, bees pollinate more then $14 billion worth of seeds and crops every year. Scientists in Europe call it the “Colony collapse disorder”, wherein scientists have recovered evidences that the immune system of bees has been adversely effected by modern agricultural practices.
The other cause, odd though it may seem, relates to so-called “sunspots” – which is the effect of solar activity. At first glance it seems a bit far-fetched to make a connection between the life of bees and mobile phones. However research suggests that bees showed a marked change of behavior when in the vicinity of power lines; bees appear to be very sensitive to energy fluctuations.
Some scientists take the view that there is going to be maximum solar activity by 2012, a phenomena that last occurred in 1958. It is said to be one of the most intense ever .This sunspot will generate intense magnetism that can be felt on the earth. It is even believed that electronics might be effected, for example GPS and mobile phone technology.
Since the solar cycle began in 2007, it’s possible that the behavior of bees is already being affected to some degree .
Natural Disasters :
Toba in Sumatra experienced the massive super volcano 74,000 years back, wherein the global temperature was reduced by 10 degrees killing almost 80% of the life on earth .
According to experts, somewhere in Sumatra, there may be another super volcano getting ready for eruption underwater thereby accompanied by a massive tsunami.
The recent series of volcanoes in that area have increased the level of alarm. Some of the quakes mistaken as aftershocks were harmonic tremors signifying lava movements. If this volcanic eruption takes place, it can bring the human civilization to its knees, that can be so devastating that earth may experience a drop in temperature of 30 degrees Fahrenheit for many years. It is expected to be the worst ever.
Most countries are reporting unusual weather patterns and excessive major and minor quakes.
However some say that the 2012 prophecy does not say that life comes to an end, only that the age that we have been living in for 5,000 years ends, which we will have to witness to understand it.
According to the ancient Mayan solar priests, the end of this age would be precipitated by an era of increasing earthquakes, which is already happening on a wide scale all over the world .
During this research, I was extremely shocked to know that in
1950's about 4796 tornadoes devastated our Earth.
1960's - 6813
1970's - 8580
1980's - 8196
1990 - to date 10,000+ tornadoes have hammered us.
Reports from certain scientists say that the real cause of climate changes, volcanoes activity, intensification of the seismic activity etc., is due to the planet Eris, which is getting closer to our solar system .
Venus Transits :
Venus Transits are much like lunar eclipses only the planet passes between the Earth and Sun. It is a fairly rare celestial phenomenon occurring. While going through this, I stumbled upon certain facts where things got very interesting and even disturbing. A Venus transit tool place during the period 1518 – 1526. During this 8-year period many paranormal events are said to have occurred in Mexico. Strangely enough it is also said that “shields” [ aliens ] appeared in the skies booming out dire warnings to the citizens of the Aztec Empire. Several temples were set afire by “curious beams of light” flashing down from the heavens.
Perhaps even more chilling, a decade [10 years] before these events took place unexplained events accompanied a lunar eclipse. Just after the lunar eclipse occurred, Mt. Popocatepetl, which had been dormant for many years, erupted.
In 1991, a similar sequence of events took place. As the residents of Mexico City lined the streets to watch a full lunar eclipse, strangely a UFO appeared over the city at 1 pm. Mount Popocatepetl and nearby Mount Colima began erupting shortly thereafter and they have remained active ever since. UFO sightings have become common throughout Mexico over the past decade. So, a decade from then onwards , which is the present 8-year period [ 2004 – 2012 ], people are expecting something similar to what happened in 1518-1526.
I somehow believe this incident can be correlated to the increasing sightings of UFOs from 2002 onwards.
The Monks :
Some beliefs exist among the Tibetan monks that terrorism will take over the world in the near future. And the World powers will threaten to destroy each other, thereby bringing the whole world to an “Ultimate Doomsday “. As quoted by a monk, “By 2012, the world will start plunging into a total destructive nuclear war. And at that time something remarkable will happen. Supernatural divine powers will intervene. The destiny of the world is not to self-destruct. Scientific interpretation of the monks’ statements makes it evident that the Extra Terrestrial powers are watching us every minute, which is a sensible explanation why UFO sightings have increased to a great extent. Who knows, maybe they will intervene in 2012 and save the world from self-destruction. When asked about recent UFO sightings in India and China, the monks smiled and said the divine powers are watching us all. Monks also mentioned that beyond 2012 our current civilization would understand that the final frontier of science and technology is in area of spirituality and not material physics and chemistry. Beyond 2012, our technologies will take a different direction.
In recent days most UFO activities have been seen in those countries who have indigenously developed Nuke capabilities. In India and China UFO sightings have increased in many folds. Many say the Chinese and Indian Governments are being contacted by the Extra Terrestrials. Who knows ??
They will reveal themselves in such a way that none of us are scared ; when they are our only hope. Maybe when the mankind is on the verge of extension, when the skies go red, when hope is lost, when we spend our last hours holding hands with the people we love, thinking about all the sweet incidents that happened in our lives, angels will descend from above and shelter us to safety. They might be the so-called UFOs we spot now and then just roaming here and there, which many of us feel weird of.
Everything here is just a belief. I can’t really say without any sound proof that this is going to happen surely . But I strongly believe this is something we might shortly encounter. Maybe 4, maybe 8 or maybe even 50 years. Who knows …….
Then why fight ? Why hurt others ? Why make things hell here ?
Lets forget , forgive and enjoy every single moment of our lives on this beautiful planet .
Enjoy it for everything its worth, because life indeed is very beautiful. :)
My recommendations :
Do watch " 2012 - The Apocalypse " (2009) by Roland Emmerich & "2012 : War of the Souls" (2010) by Michael Bay . I'm very eager to see these two movies.