Cradle to the Grave

We live in a paradise called “Earth”, which is fully filled with all the treasures of life. Whatever we desire is around us to experience and enjoy. You name it, you have it. But there are some among us who want to experience all that is hazardous, even when there are so many good things around. Just tell me one good reason why people love smoking and alcohol so much, even after knowing that its not healthy for the human body. Of course we have some studies done, wherein they are trying to prove that there is something good in tobacco/alcohol , blabbering they are useful for our body, etc....etc. Bullshit… I think even bull shit might have some useful purposes compared to smoking tobacco or drinking alcohol. You never know.
Usually anything in less is not that harmful . But the NIAAA (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism) states that moderate alcohol use may be beneficial to users. I really don’t know how useful it is. But moderate use of alcohol which can be defined as up to two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women and older people is not generally said to be harmful; not sure how useful it is. Now I’m not hinting all to start drinking alcohol in moderate quantity.
Originally, alcohol was introduced in cold countries, to withstand the chilling temperature . It is said to warm up the body to a certain extent , which was why people living in those countries started consuming. Later people there used it in parties / get togethers as a socializing custom. Later it spread to all countries, including tropical ones having soaring temperatures. And the humorous part is , people living in these tropical countries like India also started this custom of having drinks in parties. How stupid !! The whole purpose of alcohol has been changed.
As years passed by, it became an addiction. Man could not pass even a day without having a few sips of that precious portion. Later he started thinking, why to wait for a week or two to consume one full bottle, why not do it in a single day . Thereby he started consuming a bottle a day. Poor man, he never realized that “ A bottle a day takes life away “ Lol…. Consuming too much of alcohol , destabilizes the person, and the person doesn’t even know what he/she is doing.
As doctors say, alcohol is a mood-altering substance. With inhibitions low and emotions high , its easy for underlying anger to pop out. People have murdered their own families, died in accidents and eventually have killed themselves too. Just imagine how many drunkards are torturing their families, hitting them making the whole atmosphere of a happy home into hell. I’ve seen it for myself. I know the pain. Abuse is the only way some people know to handle anger . Over time, the abuser makes up the issue as though it's the victim's fault for provoking the abuser's anger. People nowadays percieve alcohol as some super-human portion & on having it they can react on any issue that might've hurt them. Maybe they might've got this idea seeing some bull fight, wherein in some places, bulls are given alcohol before they enter the arena.
It is said that children growing up in violent homes are six times more likely to commit suicide , sixty times more likely to be engaged in delinquent behaviour as adults and 1000 times more likely to become abusers themselves..
There was a case that i read in paper. It was about a poor family. The wife had gone to a shop leaving her daughter and a drunkard husband at home . When she returned home, she got the jitters of her life, having witnessed the gory scene of a small child being raped by her own father. Now if he wasn’t drunk, this would’ve never happened. Now I’m not asking people to refrain from drinking. Drink…Drink some fresh fruit juices to your heart’s content. Drink Coke, Pepsi, Soda, etc..etc… Because drinking these would never bring in any craziness inside us.
And people generally have the perception that they numb their pain with alcohol, but end up expressing their frustration on the ones who care for them. What the hell !! If it really numbs our pain, the government would've recommended it to all citizens by now. These can be called as excuses to have it, wherein they are not able to control their addiction towards it.
Why do we have to consume something which destabilizes our mind and not only make us do crazy things but also spoil our own body ? Its equal to consuming a drop of poison. If it is sold under some famous brand , he will surely start drinking that also. Our body is not a waste basket to dump in all the filthy stuff inside. Atleast if its tasty and man claims that he is not able to resist its taste though he knows that its hazardous , there is some logic in it. But even the taste of these drinks are so horrible , that you can feel that horrible taste just by sniffing it. Even the people consuming it do not like the taste. But once you are addicted, its difficult to quit drinking or even smoking for that matter. Some start smoking/drinking stating that they have a very high power of self control in them. And eventually they fall for it. If its not that easy to quit these habits, why start it ? Giving up alcohol is a powerful fear for an alcoholic....
There was a case that i read in paper. It was about a poor family. The wife had gone to a shop leaving her daughter and a drunkard husband at home . When she returned home, she got the jitters of her life, having witnessed the gory scene of a small child being raped by her own father. Now if he wasn’t drunk, this would’ve never happened. Now I’m not asking people to refrain from drinking. Drink…Drink some fresh fruit juices to your heart’s content. Drink Coke, Pepsi, Soda, etc..etc… Because drinking these would never bring in any craziness inside us.
And people generally have the perception that they numb their pain with alcohol, but end up expressing their frustration on the ones who care for them. What the hell !! If it really numbs our pain, the government would've recommended it to all citizens by now. These can be called as excuses to have it, wherein they are not able to control their addiction towards it.
Why do we have to consume something which destabilizes our mind and not only make us do crazy things but also spoil our own body ? Its equal to consuming a drop of poison. If it is sold under some famous brand , he will surely start drinking that also. Our body is not a waste basket to dump in all the filthy stuff inside. Atleast if its tasty and man claims that he is not able to resist its taste though he knows that its hazardous , there is some logic in it. But even the taste of these drinks are so horrible , that you can feel that horrible taste just by sniffing it. Even the people consuming it do not like the taste. But once you are addicted, its difficult to quit drinking or even smoking for that matter. Some start smoking/drinking stating that they have a very high power of self control in them. And eventually they fall for it. If its not that easy to quit these habits, why start it ? Giving up alcohol is a powerful fear for an alcoholic....
Nowadays it has become a style statement, wherein alcoholics/smokers consider themselves "funky". Inspired by movies, man started thinking that smoking a cigar or having a drink only makes him a complete man. He poses this rough and tuff attitude in front of girls while smoking just like the heroes in movies. But never realizes that he is actually breathing smoke !! Yakkk !!..............
Why do you want to consume something which is not only hazardous , but also having a filthy taste, when there are so many good things to have around us ? Have something tasty man. Lol…. Even people around won’t respect you , no matter what you’ve achieved in life.
Its just one life. Enjoy it to the fullest !!!!
Live for your loved ones.
Why do you want to consume something which is not only hazardous , but also having a filthy taste, when there are so many good things to have around us ? Have something tasty man. Lol…. Even people around won’t respect you , no matter what you’ve achieved in life.
Its just one life. Enjoy it to the fullest !!!!
Live for your loved ones.
Atleast live for yourself.
Why do you want to ruin it by falling to cheap tastes ??
"It is never too early to think about quitting"
Think about it….Move on….. & Live :)
But do not Continue….. Lose…..R e p e n t :(
"It is never too early to think about quitting"
Think about it….Move on….. & Live :)
But do not Continue….. Lose…..R e p e n t :(
Trivia :
1.) Cigarette smoking remains the leading cause of death and illness in the world. Both lung cancer and emphysema would become quite rare if people would stop smoking .
14 times greater risk of dying from cancer of the lung, throat, or mouth
4 times greater risk of dying from cancer
2 times greater risk of dying from a heart attack
14 times greater risk of dying from cancer of the lung, throat, or mouth
4 times greater risk of dying from cancer
2 times greater risk of dying from a heart attack
2.) An alcoholic is prone to pancreatitis, epilepsy, polyneuropathy, alcoholic dementia, heart disease, increased chance of cancer, nutritional deficiencies, sexual dysfunction, and also death....
ppl have started to consider themselves to be funky when they smoke and drink liquor.
i guess the govt ban on public smoking would certainly serve the purpose...