2012 movie : HD (high definition)

Right from the first poster to the latest trailer, 2012 has raised all expectations by a great deal. And more higher after I did my research and wrote on this about a year ago in this blog. I have been counting days to watch this true-to-become disaster movie. Every department has excelled. I think the movie starts of on a different note. I thought it would start showing the Mayans, just like in Transformers 2. But Roland wanted to do something innovative. Many people who know enough of this theory, would have been unhappy due to the minimal references on the Mayans. But I think I have to congratulate Roland for that. Mayans theory is a belief, but not convincingly proved yet. Of course I have high respect for the Mayans and their theories, but to convince 6 billion people is a not an easy task. So Roland has safely banked on the proved scientific theories. Because people are ready believe something told by scientists rather than history. John Cusack has done a very commendable performance. Amanda Peet, my sweetheart is ravishing. Infact all the actors have done their parts to excellence. It was nice to see Danny Glover don the role of the U.S President, which was repeatedly played by Jon Voight. Oliver Platt and Woody Harrelson have done memorable characters, that won’t fade from our memories very soon. The cutest actress I have ever seen is Morgan Lily, who plays daughter to Amanda Peet and John Cusack. Not only is she cute, her character too is cute. Liam James, who plays her brother is really lucky to do such a great role. It is rare to see such good characterizations. Again, Zlatko Buric, Beatrice Rosen and Thomas Mc Carthy have landed themselves in good roles. I completely loved the finishing scene. You’ve got to see it. I am not breaking the suspense. The graphics is out of the world. Man ! What software is that???? It has been long since I have seen an edge of the seat thriller in theatres. I think I must be one of the very few people, other than the film crew to see it back to back continuously. Infact I didn’t sleep a bit, when I watched it again in a 30 min gap. Music is good. Suits the occasion. Its rare to see the Producer to be a Music director and as well the writer. Great juggling of roles man !!. Music is not Oscar material, but sets the mood for the film. On the whole it is 160 minutes of wholesome entertainment. Disasters can’t get better than this. If you liked the effects in “The Day After Tomorrow”, you’ll love “2012”. The only cons were that Roland could’ve given a better and lengthier sentimental touch, which Michael Bay excels in. But anyways, the movie is stunning. Though the visual effects are Oscar material, it will only be secondary to “Avatar”. Wish “2012” was released when “Avatar” wasn’t.
Whoever is criticizing this movie, you gotta be kidding !!!!
1.) Director Roland Emmerich has stated "2012" to be his last disaster movie, which is why he wanted to include all disasters.
2.) Roland was initially interested to direct "Transformers", but was later given to Michael Bay.
anyway nice to see you blog again...
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