Quantum of Action

Quantum of Solace is a decent bond movie. But it’s a very good action movie. Daniel Craig is awesome as Bond. The best part is he has done most of the stunts by himself, which is not a regularity in a bond movie. I specially appreciate him for that. Dan Bradley’s stunts have always fancied our expectations. Spell bounding stunts man !! The best of world cinema. My god, the bike chase scene in between the boats is a treat to the eyes. And for once i liked the bond girl, because she was not just another martial arts known usual-action-heroine stuff. Olga is the cutest bond girl ever, among all the bond girls who are usually just hot. I'm waiting to see more of her in the near future. Judi Dench is good as ever except maybe they could've changed the scene wherein she applies some facial while speaking with Bond on phone. I'm not telling its a bad scene. But i thought something else could've helped the seriousness of the situation better. Just a personal thought. And Gemma Artherton as M16 agent Fields is the least important character in the movie. I still wonder how she was chosen amongst 6000 girls for this role. She is neither hot nor cute,lol. But her death initiated an unexpected seriousness in the film's 2nd half. Mathieu Amalric as Mr. Greene is not the bond villain I expected to be. He is more of a realistic villain than a fantasized villain with one eye or with a metal arm. On that aspect , Marc is to be appreciated. I couldn’t believe when I heard that Marc was going to direct the next Bond. I was like “What ? Marc who ?” He is one of those few directors in Hollywood who make films with 100% reality. Spot one scene in Quantum which was absurd or made you think “No. That’s not possible !!” And its also good to see a realistic bond movie for the first time. The titles were good. But they didn’t know what to do at some portions. It felt like extra junks added to equal the titles' running time with the beautiful bond song. For once, I liked the background score in a bond movie. Overall it was a decent bond flick. And Marc has completely done justice to the ‘dirty’ bond character that Martin Campbell successfully initiated in Casino Royale. The film lacked a heavy theme, but was well covered with edge-of-the-seat action scenes. The film’s main enemy was the high expectation set by its prequel, Casino Royale which i would rate ( 4.5/5 ). But overall, Quantum of Solace is an enjoyable movie as long as you go without expecting for a strong gory villain.
Rating :
Rating :
3.5 / 5
Trivia :
1.) Daniel Craig recommended Marc Foster to direct this movie.
2.) Daniel Craig was injured at least three times during the making of this movie. The most prominent ones included an injury to his face, which required four stitches; another to his shoulder, which required 6 surgical screws to be inserted in an operation and his arm in a sling; and then his hand was injured when one of his finger tips was sliced off. ( Now that's what i call, dedication. )