Avatar in 5D

Avatar (2009) which released on December 19th worldwide, is directed by James Cameron, the man behind Aliens, Terminator, Terminator 2 and Titanic. Looking at this line up you would be knowing the prowess of this show maker and why he is known to be one of the best Hollywood film directors. This movie is a master piece in visual effects and surely something all the film technicians around the globe. Just imagine how sharp and innovative his thoughts are. The movie takes place in a distant planet, Pandora. The word ‘Pandora’ is derived from the term ‘Pandora box’ which we all should have heard in our childhood. And Pandora just like the Pandora box is a lushy place filled with nature’s wonders like a infinite variety of plant and animal species. Literally James Cameron has played God in imagining this planet and its species. I mean, you can’t imagine different species with a variety of features and so beautiful with a million colours to achieve that gloss and shine. After watching this movie, just as James Cameron said, I am dying to live in that planet. People are so much bonded with nature. They love nature and nature loves them. But it’s totally different here. People love money and money loves people. So comparing Pandora to Earth, the present Earth is shit. Reason : Us. But anyways I’m not getting too deep into this.
Sam Worthington has done a neat job. He has no scope for any exceptional acting. Sigourney Weaver is exceptional. I think she is the kind of actress who does any role exceptionally well, making even a small cameo well registered in the audience mind. She still has that cute smile at the age of 60. Wow…. Michelle Rodriguez is so hot. So good for this tom boyish adventurous-pilot kinda character. It seems Cameron was so impressed with her performance in her first movie, Girl Fight.
Zoe Saldana as the Neytiri is awesome due to two reasons. One, her cute expressions and two, the mix of reality and graphics making her one of the most beautiful heroines in Hollywood. (I didn’t mean the real Zoe Saldana (Vantage point). I meant Neytiri, her graphic counterpart). Other than her, all the others, who I have no idea of have done their jobs.
Sam Worthington has done a neat job. He has no scope for any exceptional acting. Sigourney Weaver is exceptional. I think she is the kind of actress who does any role exceptionally well, making even a small cameo well registered in the audience mind. She still has that cute smile at the age of 60. Wow…. Michelle Rodriguez is so hot. So good for this tom boyish adventurous-pilot kinda character. It seems Cameron was so impressed with her performance in her first movie, Girl Fight.
Zoe Saldana as the Neytiri is awesome due to two reasons. One, her cute expressions and two, the mix of reality and graphics making her one of the most beautiful heroines in Hollywood. (I didn’t mean the real Zoe Saldana (Vantage point). I meant Neytiri, her graphic counterpart). Other than her, all the others, who I have no idea of have done their jobs.
Music is good. Another James, I mean James Horner (Titanic) has done a good job. I liked it. But it’s not great, maybe because I expected a lot out of a 10 year old movie in the making. But it’s good for the movie. Suited the visuals and gave goose bumps in several scenes which were awe inspiring.
This is the department that has made filming this movie a possibility. Initially when Cameron wrote the script about 15 years ago, he decided not to film it, because there was not enough technology to support this imagination. It was some kind of a camera wherein the graphic environment could be simultaneously viewed with the actors’ virtual characters which was easier for the director to shoot by watching the scenes as though it was shot live in a real Pandora. You would have seen scenes been shot in green rooms wherein later the graphics was added. But this technology has set the benchmark for directors all over the world. Interesting !! But apart from this, there were shots that were zoomed in at moments giving a closer look for the audiences. This was a visual treat. I was waiting for this after each appearance.
James Cameron has scripted an unbelievably imaginative story in the 90’s which still looks awesome in 2009. It’s a truly inspiring tale of unity and brotherhood. 5 stars for Cameron to everything he has done. Hail Cameron !!
Overall experience
The movie is awesome. I am proud to have seen it in 2D and 3D. It is truly an honor in my life to have seen this movie in theatres. It’s a 160 minute vacation in Pandora. However good this movie is, Terminator 2 still stands out to be his best in my perspective. But I am not eligible enough to comment negatively about Avatar.
It is the best of the best of the best of the best.
Oscars should be priveleged to get this kind of a nominee. Minimum 1 Oscar guaranteed.Rating:
1.) Avatar is one of the most expensive movies ever made.
2.) Sigourney Weaver has appeared in a James Cameron movie after 23 years.