Inception Review : Out of the World

Inception (2010) is a 2010 thriller written and directed by Christopher Nolan, the legend behind “Insomnia”, “Batman Begins”, “The Prestige” and the “The Dark Knight”. Inception has directly climbed to the best movie in my ratings sharing the space with Forrest Gump. Honestly I went crazy after watching the movie. I couldn’t miss even a single end credit. Theatre authorities were desperately waiting for me to get out so that they can continue their cleaning process. Such was the impact Inception had instilled upon a viewer’s mind. In fact I couldn’t sleep that night. I really started wondering if I was in a dream or in the real world. Each and every scene in the movie was worth a thousand thoughts. If I rated The Dark Knight and Forrest Gump a 10 on 10, I wonder what value does a rating have on this movie. Because it is far ahead of any movie made. For once I thought Inception was much harder to conceive than even “The Avatar”.
You won’t believe me. This story has no specific hero or villain. Each are good and bad in their own ways. But yes, the whole movie revolves around the life of Leonardo Di Caprio. So we can consider him as the hero. Leonardo has again done an Oscar deserving performance. But we could expect something better from others grabbing any chances Leo has for the Best Actor Oscar. His performance in this movie sticks to my mind so strong that I can still relate to him as Mr.Cobb. Ken Watanabe as Satio (Lol I got confused with the Sony Ericsson “Satio”) was good. Nothing great seen from him, but of course standards are always high in a Christopher Nolan’s movie. Marion Cotillard as “Mal” has done a very good job. It is definitely one her very different roles. With less make up and unkept hair matching her role perfectly many viewers missed the real beauty of Cottilard. Another lady in the movie, Ellen page was amazing. From a debut performance in Juno to a much matured performance in “The Inception”, she has made a mark. She is definitely beautiful as well. Couldn’t keep my eyes of her whenever she was on screen. Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Cillian Murphy were amazing. I think each and everyone serve integral roles and performance in the making of this classic. And It was an icing on the cake watching Michael Caine, though not for long but was atleast an awesome performance. Just love that guy’s accent.
In terms of the visual content, the effects are definitely mind blowing. One of the best in class. So is the Cinematography. Wally Pfiser was the man behind all of Nolan’s movies and you can expect the HD quality. Particularly the dream sequences in the second half have been picturized brilliantly. Adding to the visual grandeur, my favourite Hans Zimmer has done a very good sound track. Particularly the climax sound track was outstanding and definitely deserves an Oscar. I think both these people have blended so well with Nolan’s mind set and have continued to provide masterpiece-after-masterpiece.
The movie definitely deserves to be watched atleast two teams for the complexity in the story and screenplay. I definitely was able to understand a few concepts better when I saw it the second time, luckily the next day itself. Hahaha.. The visual effects have been made true to its concept and have left me open mouthed most of the time. I wonder how on earth does Nolan think so extensively on these sci-fi subjects. And to define a word not in the English dictionary definitely requires a genius like Nolan. A truly outstanding piece of filmmaking which still makes me wonder how a human was able to achieve it. The best scenes are the freight train sequence, anti-gravity fights and the ultra slow-motion effects and definitely the confrontation between Leonardo and Ellen Page involving the bending of roads. I bet you, with even a single blink you will miss an integral part of the movie. This 200 million dollar movie doesn’t just end in 148 mins as it runs in the mind of the viewers for a long time. Even the last scene conveys a lot of thoughts like even a possibility of another sequel. This summer, your mind is the scene of a masterpiece.
A movie to be surely watched before leaving this world.