Return to Innocence : Unposted letters

Dear Daddy,

At 1, you would have lost your sleep to take care of me.
When I was 5, you would have spent endless nights telling me bedtime stories 
When I was 10, you would have given up your Friday nights to take me to the cinemas.
When I was 18, your would have lost of all your savings to give me graduation.
When I was 22, you would have lost your respect to get me a good job.
Even when I hated you, you loved me back 
Behind every smile on my face, there was a lot of sacrifice you made.
I thank the Almighty, for giving me the World'd Greatest Dad..
I am really sorry for not being the best Son.
I Salute you Dad. If not for You then, I wouldn't have been Me now.

Thank you.

Your loving kid,


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