The best movies of all time - Review 1

The Seven Samurai (Shichinin no Samurai) made in 1954 is still considered to date as one of the world's most influential movies of all time. It follows the story of a village of farmers that hire seven masterless samurai to combat bandits who will return after the harvest to steal their crops . I longed for a long time to watch it. but alas! i didnt get the Dvd. Finally i got the oppurtunity to watch it when it was premiered on tv. This was also the first complete Black & White movie i
watched . I usually don't watch them bcos i always have a feeling of sleepiness / boredom - no matter how classic they were . But watching this movie I didnt get even 1% of that feeling . Each and every scene (comedy, fight, melodrama) made , was so good to the core like it was watching some 2007/8 movie . Each and every person & particularly those seven samurais lived in that particular role. No over action- No camera consciousness - Perfect timing for each & every emotion . The art work was splendid , music was excellent (Never felt like a 1954 movie , as i said before). The climax rain sequence was the best. Akira is said to be the first person to idealize having rain in the climax fights. Similarly he used icy winds, fog, etc in his later films . The
"Kikuchiyo" character in the movie is the best played role ive ever seen . That guy Toshiro Mifune performed that role with such an ease, similar to drinking a full glass of water after an hour of jogging in the hot sun . The camera angles were so so perfect that would really make you think "How did this guy Akira think all these man !! Wow..Never thought one could shoot a scene from this angle "....." Im not exaggerating anything here. Whatever written here is right from my heart - not from my mind. Because there is a difference between both. When you think/act something from your mind its always not the best choice - bcos our mind sometimes might get influenced by others/outside information. But when u do that from your heart - its purely from within you ; what u think is the best.

Anyways, i heard its being remade next year. But first made is & will always be the best. I kindly recommend all of you reading my blog (if any !, lol) to watch this movie if you really are the person who values artisitic skills. If so im damn sure u will love it. Cos it totally takes you to 207 minutes of the 16th century Samurai world , back in time. Enjoy people .
Trivia :
This was the first film on which Akira Kurosawa used multiple cameras, so he wouldn't interrupt the flow of the scenes and could edit the film together as he pleased in post-production. He used the multiple camera set-up on every subsequent film .
Rating :