Its all in your mind - to keep it hot / cool ............

There are some days in our lives when we feel so moody and irritated even though the climate is chill with cool breezy winds and so pleasant. Even cases wherein our girlfriend wakes us with a sweet phone call and though listening to her soft lilting voice we feel so tired-with-life-kind’a attitude . We never know the reason behind such irritation-cum-frustration , but we do accidentally behave rash with whomever coming & speaking to us, be your Mother to your close friend . Are there any instant mood boosters that we could incorporate to get better ? Maybe some go for a workout or snap out with friends or go for a nice shopping to feel better. Well, I don’t think there are any of that kind recommended by docs or physicians. But maybe I do have a small easy solution , rather than you going back and crawling into your bed .
Try getting a change of scenery . Ofcourse you don’t have to necessarily plan an expensive trip to some exotic place just to boost your mood that morning . Even the tiny changes you make in things in the most accessible ways can alter the perspective on much bigger ones. Stand up while talking on phone instead of the usual sitting. Or take a different route to your school / workplace . Lol, you can even have dinner in the terrace enjoying the cool breeze instead of having it on the dining table . Hey, c’mon , you can even turn the most outrageous tantrum of a baby into a giggle by giving him/her a new toy . Why not for big people like us ?? It all lies in the way we look at things.
Try listening to someone else’s story (for a change) . When we are feeling down about something, it can be hard to be a good listener. But many times, pausing to really hear about someone else’s life can do wonders for our own heads. Inspiration hits us when we least expect it. There have been many situations when I was struck down by negative energies by my family members (disappointments) on some decision. I sat totally dejected, feeling that was the end of my happy life. At that time I started thinking about great people who actually carved great careers out of themselves , faced the biggest hurdles in life. I started asking myself - "If they can do, why can't I ? Why can't this be the start of a great person's life ?? This may sound humorous to the ones around me , who think im the last person to succeed in this world. Well if that's how you people encourage others in a bad phase , thanq very much . Because its situations like these that have thought me how to transform those incoming negative energies to colourful positive energies .
Try helping a stranger . Hold the door for someone. Offer to carry a heavy package or box. Give directions when asked. Give a gentle smile to a person who is in some unknown worry and show them that door to positiveness which could involuntarily give him/her a pinch of confidence to deal with that situation. A little kindness goes a long way. You’ll immediately feel happier when you take a minute to assist another human being—even in the smallest way.
Try calling a friend . Talk to your good friend with an open heart . Don't hide a single fact if you really , not only want to lighten your heart, but also desire to get the best possible solution. Because I know what all situations this can prevent . I lost my dear friend , who passed away crying out his worries. If he could've discussed his problems with his friend whom he really believes , he could've been on earth right now. But now he is just a part of my memory which brings tears whenever thought of .
" I don't want this happen to you or any of your friends .
Do believe in me & try them ". .
Try getting a change of scenery . Ofcourse you don’t have to necessarily plan an expensive trip to some exotic place just to boost your mood that morning . Even the tiny changes you make in things in the most accessible ways can alter the perspective on much bigger ones. Stand up while talking on phone instead of the usual sitting. Or take a different route to your school / workplace . Lol, you can even have dinner in the terrace enjoying the cool breeze instead of having it on the dining table . Hey, c’mon , you can even turn the most outrageous tantrum of a baby into a giggle by giving him/her a new toy . Why not for big people like us ?? It all lies in the way we look at things.
Try listening to someone else’s story (for a change) . When we are feeling down about something, it can be hard to be a good listener. But many times, pausing to really hear about someone else’s life can do wonders for our own heads. Inspiration hits us when we least expect it. There have been many situations when I was struck down by negative energies by my family members (disappointments) on some decision. I sat totally dejected, feeling that was the end of my happy life. At that time I started thinking about great people who actually carved great careers out of themselves , faced the biggest hurdles in life. I started asking myself - "If they can do, why can't I ? Why can't this be the start of a great person's life ?? This may sound humorous to the ones around me , who think im the last person to succeed in this world. Well if that's how you people encourage others in a bad phase , thanq very much . Because its situations like these that have thought me how to transform those incoming negative energies to colourful positive energies .
Try helping a stranger . Hold the door for someone. Offer to carry a heavy package or box. Give directions when asked. Give a gentle smile to a person who is in some unknown worry and show them that door to positiveness which could involuntarily give him/her a pinch of confidence to deal with that situation. A little kindness goes a long way. You’ll immediately feel happier when you take a minute to assist another human being—even in the smallest way.
Try calling a friend . Talk to your good friend with an open heart . Don't hide a single fact if you really , not only want to lighten your heart, but also desire to get the best possible solution. Because I know what all situations this can prevent . I lost my dear friend , who passed away crying out his worries. If he could've discussed his problems with his friend whom he really believes , he could've been on earth right now. But now he is just a part of my memory which brings tears whenever thought of .
" I don't want this happen to you or any of your friends .
Do believe in me & try them ". .
[---> my heartfelt thanks to Heather <---]