kramer vs kramer

The moment i heard the name, it sounded like some russian movie , lol.
Anyways, Kramer vs. Kramer is a 1979 drama film adapted by Robert Benton from the novel by Avery Corman. It won 5 oscars including Best actor, Best actress,Best director & Best picture. The film tells the story of a married couple's divorce and how they cutely deal with it . I usually don't watch old movies . But i won't exactly term this as an old movie .[ '79] It completely took me into the film, just like any forrest gump or titanic or even "The Thirteenth Floor" for that matter, which was a very good movie, just on the lines of "The Matrix" . This movie gave a much cosier feel, maybe because it was taken more in the indoors - sort of a feeling when you stay in your house when its snowing terribly outside. As mentioned above, both the actor and the actress were awesome, which is so obvious why they got an oscar. But i expected an oscar for that kid who essayed the role of their son . Beautiful acting with perfect timing. You won't see that all the time. I'd say, it's the best child performance i've ever seen in these 21 years. I saw a bit of myself in that role. Dustin Hoffman ! Man, I never knew you were smart. Look at that hair...Wow... And meryl streep was so beautiful and cute in the film. She potrayed it so elegantly . Kramer vs. Kramer reflected a cultural shift which occurred during the 1970s and the period of second-wave feminism, when ideas about "motherhood" and "fatherhood" were changing. Cheers to Robert Benton for equally weighing both their roles. On the whole, it was 105 mins of Hollywood's pride that I totally enjoyed and i want you also to enjoy. Rent it somehow, or don't miss it when it comes on Tv. Because, if not, i bet you are missing something.
trivia :
* At the end of the very last scene, Meryl Streep, speaking as herself, believing that the scene had ended, asked Dustin Hoffman if her eye make-up was messed up from crying. The director kept it in the movie.
* The woman that Hoffman suddenly kisses at the party is Ingeborg Sørensen, a former Miss Norway and Playboy Playmate
* Dustin Hoffman, having just lived through divorce himself, contributed many personal moments and dialogue to the film and was offered shared screenplay credit by director Robert Benton, but turned it down