Best Movies of all time - Forrest Gump

I will certainly term it as ,"The most loveliest movie ever to be made by mankind" . Of course i'm so ashamed to see this so late. I should have seen it 14 years back. I would've corrected myself a lot . But anyways, its not too late. [There are many more who wouldn't have seen it yet .] Atleast from now onwards i can correct myself. The reason why i consider this film to be loved more than anyone else in the world is because it carries a message which is a part of my motto in life . And this served to show me that in visual . And that is " Be positive " . Wow. Just look at [Tom Hanks] Forrest's attitude in this movie. Every event of his life is so sweet. It has so much to teach us. I don't know how this was made. But i just can't believe it. What a movie ! Every character coming on screen are a part of hollywood's best ever creation. Not every other movie can win 6 oscars, which i think is not enough for this movie. This movie is a perfect textbook for all those aspiring filmmakers to learn about the nuances of making a cinema. Tom Hanks [ as Forrest Gump ] has delivered the performance of a lifetime. Sally field [ as his mother ] is always a delight to watch, in a mom's role. She has been the stereotype mom for ages. Robin Wright [ as his better half ] is so cute . Particularly at the end where she comes in a bob cut , looks so ravishing. Her character is so delicate and confused with what's perfect for her in life. And just to remind, she is the one who comes as the queen of Beowulf in the movie "Beowulf" . And i should talk about Gary Sinise [ as his Lt. ]. He plays a very unique character, not often you see in films. His best performance comes when he asks "Sorry" to Tom Hanks . Robert Zemeckis is undoubtedly in the list of all time Top 50 directors. From the music department , Alan Silvestri has done a memorable score , which lifts the spirit in each and every scene . And the climax is so touching. No words to express . On the whole, at the end of my life , when i look back at all the things that happened in my life, i will never forget these 140 minutes that i spent watching this movie. And a special request to all those who have seen it or yet to see, take the message the movie says " Be positive " and try imbibing it in your life. Believe me, i felt a lot lot better.
After all, Life is a like a box of Chocolates. You never know what you get :)
[ trivia ]
Paramount Pictures is currently planning to make a sequel to this movie which is also from the same author. Its called "Gump & Co". Here Gump stumbles through important US events in the 1980s and early 1990s. He plays football for the New Orleans Saints, sells encyclopedias door-to-door, works on a pig farm, and helps develop the infamous New Coke. He accidentally crashes the Exxon Valdez, helps destroy the Berlin Wall, and fights in Operation Desert Storm. He meets many celebrities, including Colonel Oliver North, the Ayatollah Khomeini, John Hinckley, Jim Bakker, Ivan Boesky, Ronald Reagan, Saddam Hussein, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Tom Hanks himself.
and i wood see forest gump any no. of times.. as u said there r so many things to learn frm this film.. wow..and t best thing is its so simple to understand.. jus like gump says "Mom always used to say in a i can understand..".. well nothin can sum t movie better.. v can relate ourselves in that film.. he doesnt confuse himself and take things in his life as it comes.. tats attitude!!
i also feel ashamed to see it so late but on t better part i saw it a few months before u.. lol..
it shows ur link popularity and also t no. of backlinks.. ur site is popular on t web man!!! cheers mate!!
happy bloggin!!1