National Treasure : Book of Secrets

The best thing about the National Treasure series is the thrilling way it takes off from the start, from an ancient period and transcending slowly to present times. And henceforth the search starts for some treasure based on some clues from the past. And in this part it starts from the assassination of the U.S president Abraham Lincoln, and the diary of the killer,John Wilkes Booth, turns out to be the only clue behind the discovery of one of the greatest treasures in U.S history. The rest of the story deals with how Nicholas Cage (Ben Gates) and his old team uncover the mystery within the 18 pages missing from Booth's diary . Diane Kruger (Abigail Chase) is as ravishing as ever. She is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful women living on earth. She does full justice to her role as Cage's ex girlfriend. Justin Bartha is the main comedy element in this series. Each & every scene he appears he takes full control of it and literally make our vision stick to him. Jon Voight & Helen Mirren are just chanceless . No words to praise them.

Ed harris is always a special element in a movie . Be it "The Beautiful Mind" or "Gone Baby Gone" he always has a special FBI role to play . LOL.... The movie is as thrilling as the first part and ends with a possibility of a third part in this franchise (Page.47). I personally think more & more sequels of NT should be made (Director Jon Turtletaub has to be praised) . Not many movies nowadays have a gripping touch from the start till the end. I SERIOUSLY RECOMMEND THIS MOVIE EVEN IF UVE NOT SEEN THE FIRST PART.

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